
Perl Dependency management with Carton

The perl depenendency management tool Carton allows not only easily separating dependencies for different applications or parts of the system, but also easily deploying an application and handling its dependencies. Using Carton is extremely straight-forward for anybody who’s used cpanm to manage dependencies before. Installing and using your application The continue reading…

Experimenting with App::Spec

I recently attended a tech meeting of London Perl Mongers (strongly recommended if you happen to be a Perl developer by the way). Amongst other things, I was introduced to App::Spec. App::Spec is a tool that allows you to specify your program’s commands, parameters, options, the values they can take, continue reading…

[vlog] this year’s uni projects

It’s … been a while, hasn’t it? Okay, okay, it’s been three months. I’m currently buried underneath 6ft of Uni work, given this is my final year and my dissertation is due soon. I’ll try to blog more often once I get into full-time paid employment. However, until then, here’s continue reading…

A first look at Cordova: pros and cons

I absolutely love the fact that tools like ionic and Cordova exist. It  means that Web Developers like myself can build hybrid applications (apps that work in both web and mobile) without needing to write native code. However, this doesn’t come without disadvantages. Due to this, I wanted to write a continue reading…

The long-awaited Mozfest 2015 post!

As I hope you know, Mozfest 2015 took place from November 6 to November 8 2015 at Ravensbourne UK. Mozfest is organised by Mozilla, but it is not entirely about Mozilla products. Instead, it aims to get people together talking about policies Mozilla cares about as an organisation – such continue reading…

Dear circuit laundry: your UX SUCKS!

Ah, the joys of student life. Not only is accommodation absurdly expensive (Over 100 pounds a week to live near campus outside London. I’m not going to mention London prices, because anybody who doesn’t already know them is going to have a heart attack.), but laundry costs on top of continue reading…